Please find our most frequently asked questions below. Do not hesitate to contact us with any other questions you have.
What does Kambo treat?
Kambo provides a traditional method of healing that can reverse and prevent ill health and remove trauma on a cellular level. Kambo is known to heal on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
Kambo has anaesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties. These benefits address infections, depression, blood circulation, chronic pain, and to boost the immune system. Kambo also acts as an intense detoxification process and helps clear the body of energy blockages and negative Panama (bad luck).
Kambo ceremonies are a deep & profound experience that help our clients to release themselves from what no longer serves them, whether it be past pain, blocks or physical pain.
Kambo is known to help with a range of health conditions, including:
• Addiction
• Alzheimer's Disease
• Anxiety
• Arthritis
• Candida
• Cancer
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Chronic Pain
• Depression
• Diabetes
• Herpes
• Hepatitis
• Hypertension
• Immune system Repair
• Infections
• Infertility
• Lyme Disease
• Menstrual Cycle Balance
• Menopausal Systems
• Migraine
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Psoriasis
• Rheumatism
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Thyroid Balance
• Vascular Conditions
• And many more
Short-term benefits commonly reported include:
• Increased energy
• Increased resistance to stress
• Enhanced mood and Reduced fatigue
• Reduced need for food and drink
• Increased immunity to illness
• Regulation of hormones
• Alertness, Clarity and Focus
• Mindfulness Feeling lighter and Life becomes easier to manage
Energetic & Spiritual benefits often reported include:
• A deeper connection to self
• Removal of Panama (dark or negative energies)
• Removal of the dark clouds that were weighing a person down
• Removal of ancestral patterns
• Removal of bad luck
• A sense of increased luck
• Increased attractiveness
• Life blocks dissolve
• Chakras become aligned
• Intuition increasing
• Aura positively shifting and changing
• Body vibrates higher
Please contact us with your condition / situation and we can discuss how Kambo could assist you.
What happens during a treatment?
Kambo is intense but fast. The unpleasant effects are strong and immediate but over within 20 – 40 minutes.
The top thin layer of skin is blistered with a hot stick and the skin is peeled off to expose the epidermis underneath – this is similar to when you have a blister and the skin rubs off. There is no blood.
The number and position of the points will vary from person to person depending on individual needs. We refer to these small breaks in the skin as ‘gates’.
The dried Kambo is mixed with a small amount of water and divided into small dots. These dots of Kambo are called points and they are placed on the gates. The points are approximately 1/8” across but can be smaller or slightly larger depending on the treatment.
If you have a series of treatments in the same session, the same points are reused. The small dots of Kambo are applied to the points. This is the only way to take Kambo – it is not safe to ingest it, snort it or to introduce it into the bloodstream directly.
Kambo enters directly into the Lymphatic System so the effect is very fast. Most people experience a warm to hot flush on the upper body and face along with increased heart rate.
At this point, different people will react in different ways. Some will feel dizzy, foggy or spaced out; the occasional person will shake or even faint.
Some people have swollen lips or face and slight skin tingling. The Kambo will be racing around your body, scanning it for problems and then going directly to work on those areas. You may experience a throbbing or burning sensation in those areas for a short while. Some people may feel some abdominal discomfort and need to defecate.
Once the Kambo has cleaned the body you will purge all the toxins out. This purging process works on a physical and emotional level. You may feel tired at this point and need to rest.
Within a short time – usually an hour or so you will feel much better and you can drink and eat normally.
Within a day or so, depending on your state of health, you will start to feel the real benefits.
How many treatments will I need?
The number of sessions required will be largely dependant on your health issue and/or your overall goal for taking Kambo.
At The Kambo Clinic, we offer specialised intense Kambo treatment plans for particular issues. These can be purchase up-front for a reduced rate.
Some people find that once every 6 weeks is good maintenance for them. Some people do it once and never do it again. It really is up to the individual.
If you are trying to accomplish a goal with Kambo, such as relief from depression or to release emotional trauma, we highly suggest committing to at least 3 sessions. These sessions can be performed intensely over a few days or spread out over a few weeks depending on the client.
How long does a 121 session at The Kambo Clinic last?
When Kambo is applied, the purging effects are typically over in about 20 minutes but could last up to 40 minutes or longer. Afterwards, you will need a rest/recovery period of up to an hour or more. A light vegan snack (fruit/hot tea, hummus, crackers, bread & soup) will be given to you after your session at The Kambo Clinic. This snack enables you to hydrate and rebalances the bodies electrolytes. It also gives you the chance to discuss your session experience with your practitioner. A 121 individual session will take between 2-3 hours. Please allow 3 hours for your appointment.
Will I be able to go back to work after my session?
Every Kambo session is different. Sometimes clients leave the clinic energised and wanting to go running, and other times they feel emotionally drained and exhausted. We recommend that you give yourself the time to integrate our session and rest after.
Depending on your work schedule, our sessions are available from 8 am until 8 pm, seven days a week.
What do I need to wear for my Kambo session?
Please bring comfortable clothes to do your session in. Gym gear is perfect. In your treatment, your practitioner will suggest the position for your Kambo points. These could be positioned on your legs, arms, chest or back depending on the meridians or the chakras that are chosen.
It is suggested that you bring various layers including:
Jogging bottoms or leggings
Warm socks
Warm jumper/hoody
Ladies, please bring a bra or gym bra top you feel comfortable doing your session in, you may also want to bring a halter neck top with an open back.
Your session will be taken in the strictest of confidence but we want you to feel comfortable with what you are wearing so that you can just focus on your Kambo journey.
Please note that in Kambo sessions we do not touch or place any points on your head, face or private parts, this includes the breasts/pecs/nipples. All other body areas may be used but these will be agreed between yourself and your practitioner before your gates are burned and the treatment happening.
Does Kambo enter the bloodstream?
Kambo does not enter the bloodstream nor is any blood involved. kambo enters through the lymphatic system.
Are Kambo scars permanent?
The Kambo points slowly fades over time. Depending on location and how your skin reacts it may permanently scar. A tree sap called Sangre de Drago or Dragons Blood is applied to any skin openings after your session which is a natural antibacterial which promotes healing.
Some clients want to make a design out of the points. Various designs can be created depending on the amount of points being used. This can be discussed before your treatment.
The ears do not scar due to being cartilage so Auricular Kambo is often requested by clients, in particular our model and/or acting clients. This option be discussed in your consultation before your session.
Some of our practitioners and clients have found that after healing, a micro-needling session with a skin professional has retuned any red or slightly scarred skin back to normal. The Kambo Clinic can of course not confirm that this will happen to all clients and we advise that you seek a professional therapist who can answer your questions. For many their Kambo scars are a badge of honour, but we understand and do what we can for clients who want to keep scaring to a minimum.
Do I need to be on special diet for Kambo?
You can eat normally but most prefer to eat lighter foods the day before and it is suggested that you do not eat anything for at least 12 hours before your session.
Once your session is booked you will be given strict directions on what you can do regarding food/drink on the day of your treatment and the days before and after.
It is also advised that you do not drink any alcohol for at least 24 hours before your treatment and 24 hours after your treatment.
You can not do a Kambo session if you have been on a water fast or strict fasting regime within the last 7 days. This will be explained to you in your consultation. Please inform your practitioner of any diets or dietary restrictions you have been on in the last 6-8 weeks.
How long should I fast before Kambo?
Ideally 12 hours. Please do not eat or drink anything the morning of Kambo until instructed. Once your session is booked you will be given strict directions on what you can do regarding food/drink on the day of your treatment, and for the day before and after.
Is Kambo Toxic?
Kambo is not toxic to the human system. Kambo is not a poison. You may see the term “poison” used in the press or by bloggers. This term has possibly been used in the past due to the purging effect Kambo can cause but it is not a poison, it is in fact a secretion packed full of potent bioactive peptides that have great positive effects on the human system. So much so that over 70 have been identified and synthetically recreated by pharmaceutical companies.
Is Kambo psychoactive?
Kambo is non-psychoactive, and will not get you high. Research into Kambo by the FDA concluded it is not psychoactive, this is also supported by the International Association of Kambo Practitioners.
Is Kambo cruel to frogs?
We source our Kambo from IAKP and the Matsi Tribe. The way the Matsi sources the Kambo is by singing the frogs down from the trees. They pick up to frog by letting it walk onto a stick. With no skin to skin contact they tie the frog with string or vine to hold it while they gently scape the secretion off their backs. After the sourcing the frogs usually hang around with no rush to leave. The string/vine leaves a little mark on the frog, this means the tribe can tell if Kambo has been collected or not. The Matsi tribe never over harvest from the frogs and treat them with the upmost respect and kindness. A frog will not be re-harvested until the vine mark has disappeared.
Why is the exact clinic location a secret and not given until you book?
Our founder Claire Anstey knows a very well known Hypnotherapist who moved her Harley Street Practice to her own home as her clients were getting “Papped” by the UK press whilst visiting her practice. Due to the nature of our clinic and the privacy of all our clients, Claire decided to do the same. Our client's privacy is so important to us. This is also why we offer a free NDA agreement if requested.
Is Kambo safe?
Kambo is very safe when given by a properly trained practitioner. However there are some conditions for which Kambo is contraindicated. We have given a list below. This is not an exhaustive list so its important to consult a properly trained and skilled practitioner if you have any concerns. Suitability for Kambo may occasionally depend on the constitution of the person receiving Kambo.
What if I am having other forms of treatment? General medicine and/or alternative?
Please discuss this with your practitioner when you enquire about Kambo and/or have your consultation. Your practitioner will then be able to explain what can or what can not be done.
Precautions & Contraindications!
You cannot take Kambo if you:
Have serious heart problems.
Are on medication for low blood pressure.
Have had a stroke.
Have had a brain haemorrhage.
Have an aneurism or blood clots.
Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo.
Have serious mental health problems excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety.
Are undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy or for 4 weeks afterwards.
Take immune-suppressants for organ transplant.
Have Addison’s Disease
Have low levels of cortisol in the blood
Have current and severe Epilepsy
Are recovering from a major surgical procedure
Have used Bufo in the past 4 weeks
Are under 18 years old
Are pregnant or maybe so or are breast-feeding a child under 6 months old
Please contact us with any questions on contraindications or any other medical issue or medicine you are currently taking. We can then advise on what treatments would be advisable and if we can or can not perform Kambo treatments on you.